COMMUNION OF SAINTS 466 Christ, Thou Art the Sure Foundation 1 Kings 9: 3 8. 7. 8. 7. 8. 7. Angularis fundamentum Author unknown, c. 700, cento Tr., John M. Neale, 1851, alt. Regent Square Henry Smart, 1867 and they O the ants Thee, tion, ther, Fa serv call da Praise What Come, Thou or of of and hon ask Lord Head and vouch this Thou hon safe tem art Christ, 4 Praise 3 Here 2 To 1 the Thy we Foun or to ple, the to all where sure Spir ev kind pre ner to it, er ness cious the for ing and Cor hosts, Thee to gain, Son, day; stone; Thee Praise What With Cho the to to or from ed the gain wont lov Lord hon and they Thy sen of in here Thy Thy And And Thou One One, tain, pray one; might af full Zi and ter est on’s the er Thy ing the Three bless serv all Ev With Hear Bind ants er re they in and ed ev to as Church lone. way. reign. run. ges ing a al to with A these men. fi dence walls Thee a in Thy e for ry, ry, tion er glo glo dic ev Help ben in one in Con more un er with her end While Ev Shed And